COVID-19 and the impact on an already divided Melbourne

As explored by Praveen Thakur and Amy Chinnappa, some Victorian businesses have had to make significant job cuts and many of these were in lower wage industries, indicating that many lost jobs were likely held by workers of less advantaged households.

The Australian economy has proven resilient to the shocks of COVID-19. In the recovery from the pandemic-induced recession, unemployment levels have returned to pre-pandemic levels and housing prices have continued to rise, as have some households’ savings. The COVID-19 pandemic had an unequal impact on Melburnians. While many suffered job losses, others were able to substantially increase their household savings. This unequal impact has further exacerbated Melbourne’s existing income ine...

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Authors: Praveen Thakur, Amy Chinnappa

Published Date: 09 August 2021

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